2018 State of the GNSS Industry Report

September 5, 2018  - By

Trends, Obstacles and Opportunities

Cover: Toria/Shutterstock.com

Cover: Toria/Shutterstock.com

Conducted online in July 2018, the GPS World State of the GNSS Industry survey compiled detailed answers to 30 key questions from 273 respondents, spread across six continents.

Prominent insights gained, and outlined in these pages: the PNT sector is booming, as opportunities outnumber obstacles; well-trained engineers are at a premium; and the Internet of Things is the newest market driver, perhaps the most powerful yet.

Insights from the Report

Opportunities for growth in the GNSS industry

Wireless and consumer emerge as key players for growth

GPS World report: Survey sector favors multi-GNSS

GPS World survey: UAVs on a roll to dominance

Information key to managing amid complex change for GNSS OEMs

Inertial navigation emerges as winning co-star for transportation sector

The current state of the Defense, Security and Government PNT sector

GPS World survey: Capturing the world with maps