TAG: National Institute of Standards and Technology

Headshot: Dana Goward

The billon-dollar-a-day GPS mistake?

May 25, 2022

Igor Borisenko/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

It’s about time for the electrical grid

April 1, 2022

This March 30, 2022, chart of Satelles and NIST testing verifies that STL timing agrees with UTC. (Chart: Satelles)

Satelles and NIST team up on precision timing

March 30, 2022

Image: agsandrew/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

ColdQuanta to develop atomic clocks for Office of Naval Research

February 8, 2022

NEON personnel tracker by TRX. (Photo: TRX Systems)

TRX awarded NIST funding for NEON Personnel Tracker

September 3, 2021

NIST's new cybersecurity profile is designed to help mitigate risks to systems that use PNT data, including finance, transportation, energy and other critical infrastructure. While its scope does not include ground- or space-based PNT source signal generators and providers (such as satellites), the profile still covers a wide swath of technologies. (Image: B. Hayes/NIST)

NIST cybersecurity profile designed to safeguard critical infrastructure

February 3, 2021

Photo: Orolia

Orolia selected for NIST workshop on PNT profile development

September 3, 2020

Image: GPS World

OGC calls for proposals for Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot Initiative

June 18, 2018