critical infrastructure

Industry members, non-profit urge Congress to fund GPS alternatives

March 22, 2021

NIST's new cybersecurity profile is designed to help mitigate risks to systems that use PNT data, including finance, transportation, energy and other critical infrastructure. While its scope does not include ground- or space-based PNT source signal generators and providers (such as satellites), the profile still covers a wide swath of technologies. (Image: B. Hayes/NIST)

NIST cybersecurity profile designed to safeguard critical infrastructure

February 3, 2021

Open PNT logo

Open PNT Industry Alliance launched to strengthen national resilience

December 3, 2020

Monty Johnson of OPNT demonstrates precise time transfer through 100 kilometers of spooled fiber-optic cable. (Photo: RNT Foundation)

DOT holds first GPS backup technology demonstration

March 16, 2020

TRX Systems’ NEON Personnel Tracker provides ubiquitous 3D location, tracking and mapping. (Screenshot: TRX Systems)

GPS backup demonstration projects explained

January 9, 2020