New Leica Aibot facilitates accurate, safe aerial surveys

June 12, 2018  - By

Leica Geosystems has released the Leica Aibot, its latest unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system based on DJI’s aerial platform, the M600 Pro, designed to rapidly and autonomously enable digitizing of critical infrastructure.

Leica Geosystems’ UAV technology enables users to get a complete data set in less time with a user-friendly and innovative interface, opening new business opportunities while reducing time, costs and effort from with traditional data collection methods.

A proprietary software suite supports the new UAV workflows. Using Leica Infinity for point cloud, digital surface model and orthophoto generation enables surveyors to process and visualize aerial data, increasing productivity and speeding data delivery. Supporting users to share data to Cylcone and Cloudworx, the integration of the UAV point cloud with terrestrial scan data enables informed decisions, while complete data sets increase project efficiency.

Use in construction

Throughout a construction project lifecycle of planning, designing and construction, Aibot provides easy access to critical information to perform volume calculations and monitor site progress. From creating digital terrain models to stripping and bulk earthworks and trenching to finally fine grading, paving and compaction, the solution facilitates actuals comparisons. This provides a more transparent view of site progression monitoring and volume calculations with safer operations, to keep projects on schedule.

High-definition imagery and 3D mapping enable viewing of site mapping or progress documentation, meaning users identify gaps early with high accuracy, and save time and money at all project stages.

Automating operations

The new technology, developed in partnership with UAV manufacturer DJI, allows users to process and analyze millions of data points gathered from above and to visualize the data for actionable information. UAV data can be combined with existing survey technologies, such as TPS, GPS and laser scanning, for a more complete set of information.