Discussing the new North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 — Part 2

August 2, 2017  - By

My last column highlighted some of the feedback provided by guest presenters at the NGS’ 2017 Geospatial Summit held on April 24-25 in Silver Spring, Maryland. That column also provided a discussion on the approximate differences between NAPGD2022 and NAVD 88 (and NGVD 29) at a national and local level. It was mentioned that to prepare for the new datums and develop implementation plans, users should obtain an understanding of the differences between NAPGD2022 and NAVD 88. The last column provided figures that depicted the approximate absolute and relative differences between the new vertical reference frame, North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022) and NAVD 88. This column is the second in a new series of columns addressing topics associated with transitioning to the new North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022).

The name of the National Geodetic Survey’s new vertical reference frame is the North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022). So, what is a geopotential model? The following is the definition of a geopotential model from Wikipedia: “In geophysics, a geopotential model is the theoretical analysis of measuring and calculating the effects of Earth’s gravitational field.” [See the box titled “Definition of geopotential and geopotential model from Wikipedia.”]

Definition of geopotential and geopotential model from Wikipedia

In order for a height to a have physical meaning, the height system must have some relation to the Earth’s gravity field. Basically, for geodesists, a geopotential model is a way of measuring the effects of Earth’s gravitational field and the means to deriving a geoid model. So, what does the Earth’s gravity field look like? The box titled “Static Gravity Field – Anomalies” is a good image of the Earth’s gravity field created by the GRACE program.

Static Gravity Field – Anomalies
(Figure obtained from https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/resources/28/)

It was mentioned in the last column that stakeholders across the federal, public and private sectors provided feedback and impacts of NGS New 2022 Datums on their products and services. All of these presentations are now available on NGS’ website. [See box titled “Website that contains the NGS 2017 Geospatial Summit Presentations.“] NGS did an excellent job of recording these presentations. The website allows the user to download the video and/or slides, as well as watch the presentations on their computer.

Website that contains the NGS 2017 Geospatial Summit Presentations

Many surveyors and mappers will be providing services to Federal, state, and local agencies to assist them in their transitioning activities. I would encourage all users to watch the presentations by the partners to obtain an understanding of how these agencies’ products and services are going to be effected by a datum change. For example, the presentation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can be found here.

This column will focus on two of the presentations by NGS employees – “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum” and Monitoring Changes in the Geoid.” These two presentations are very important to obtaining an understanding of NAPGD2022. [See box title “NGS Presentation at the 2017 Geospatial Summit – “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum.”]

NGS Presentation at the 2017 Geospatial Summit – “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum”

Why is the Earth’s gravity field important to estimating GNSS-derived orthometric heights? Guidelines and procedures for estimating GNSS-derived heights were discussed in great detail in previous columns, such as Establishing Orthometric Heights Using GNSS — Part 1, Establishing Orthometric Heights Using GNSS — Part 2, Establishing Orthometric Heights Using GNSS — Part 3 and Establishing orthometric heights using GNSS — Part 4.

Slide 33 from the presentation titled “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum” depicts the relationship between the ellipsoid, geoid, and orthometric heights. (See box titled “Slide 33 From “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum.”)

Slide 33 From “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum”

A previous column discussed how NGS developed their scientific and hybrid geoid models. The NAPGD2022 will begin with the best 3-dimension geopotential model available and derive the most accurate geoid model, e.g., GEOID2022, for establishing NAPGD2022 GNSS-derived orthometric heights. Just like NAVD 88 leveling derived heights need accurate gravity values to compute accurate orthometric heights and height differences, the geopotential model needs accurate, current gravity data to estimate local variations in the global model. The bottom line is that an accurate geopotential model is necessary for deriving an accurate geoid model that is necessary for establishing accurate GNSS-derived orthometric heights and height differences.

In the presentation “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum,” Monica Youngman discussed the NGS project called “Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D).” The goal of GRAV-D is to create a gravimetric geoid accurate to 1 cm where possible using airborne gravity data. The overall target is to enable users to obtain 2-cm accuracy orthometric heights from GNSS and a geoid model. View this website for more information on GRAV-D.

Once a geoid model is computed, e.g., GEOID2022, it will need to be validated to estimate the accuracy of the derived product. What does this mean to surveyors and mappers? In my opinion, the NAPGD2022 will help the surveying community maintain a vertical reference frame that’s reliable and traceable. Saying that, it is extremely important to know the relative accuracy of the geoid model used to establish GNSS-derived orthometric heights in NAPGD2022. As mentioned in my April column, NGS is performing geoid slope validation surveys (GSVS) to evaluate the current experimental geoid models being developed using GRAV-D data. In the presentation “Modernizing the Geopotential or Vertical Datum,” Derek Van Westrum discussed the GSVS projects. Evaluation of the experimental gravimetric geoid model is critical to the implementation of NAPGD2022 and should be part of a transition plan to the NAPGD2022. Performing a geoid slope validation project similar to NGS may be too expensive to be performed by most agencies. However, some agencies may be able to perform low budget geoid slope evaluation surveys. These surveys could include performing combined GNSS and leveling surveys to evaluate the relative accuracy of the gravimetric geoid model in areas that require accurate orthometric heights. Performing several of the gravimetric geoid evaluation surveys in major cities and/or areas that require accurate heights would help to facilitate the implementation of NAPGD2022.

These types of geoid evaluation surveys should be performed in areas of the country that are influenced by crustal movement. For example, in southern Louisiana and other parts of the Gulf Coast of the United States that are being influenced by subsidence (https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/heightmod/NOAANOSNGSTR50.pdf, https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/Subsidence_at_Houston_Texas_TR_NOS131_NGS44.pdf). There is no doubt that NAPGD2022 will provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to maintain consistent and accurate orthometric heights; however, evaluating the relative accuracy of the geoid model is critical to a successful implementation of NAPGD2022.

The first phase of the GRAV-D project is the airborne gravity survey of entire country and its holdings; the second phase is the long-term monitoring of the change in the geoid. Not only is the NAVD 88 being replaced with a new datum but the geoid model, the underlying foundation of establishing GNSS-derived orthometric heights in NAPGD2022, will be constantly changing. The geoid will change but it will change very slowly. Saying that, it is still important for NGS to monitor changes in the geoid if users are going to establish and maintain GNSS-derived orthometric heights at the centimeter level. As part of the modernization of the vertical reference frame, NGS has outlined four components of a long-term monitoring plan. [See box titled “Components of a Long-Term Monitoring Plan.”]

Components of a Long-Term Monitoring Plan
(From presentation titled “Monitoring Changes in the Geoid” given by Dr. Theresa Damiani at the NGS 2017 Geospatial Summit)

  1. What and Where to Monitor
  2. How to Monitor in the Near-Term (next 1 to 3 decades)
  3. Which Products Need to be Available
  4. Long-Term Program Adaptation

The two most important components of the plan, in my opinion, are “What and Where to Monitor” and “How to Monitor in the Near-Term.” There are small changes in the geoid that occur over long periods of time. [See box titled “Slide 5 from presentation titled “Monitoring Changes in the Geoid.”]

Slide 5 from presentation titled “Monitoring Changes in the Geoid”
(From presentation titled “Monitoring Changes in the Geoid” given by Dr. Theresa Damiani at the NGS 2017 Geospatial Summit)

Dr. Damiani presented a slide that outlined NGS’ vision for vertical datum products as they are related to the geoid model. [See the box titled “NGS’ Vision for Vertical Datum Products, 2022 +.”] NGS will be publishing both static geoid models (S) and dynamic geoid models (D). The “S” static model will be a typical geoid model, aimed to capture the 1 cm-accurate model at a specific epoch, and the “D” dynamic model will capture the rate of change of the geoid at all places. Dr. Damiani mentioned in her presentation that NGS has initiated a program called “The Geoid Monitoring Service.” This service is a new project, initiated in January 2017, that is planned to be operational and produce NGS’ first “D” dynamic geoid by 2022.

NGS’ Vision for Vertical Datum Products, 2022 +
(From presentation titled “Monitoring Changes in the Geoid” given by Dr. Theresa Damiani at the NGS 2017 Geospatial Summit)

➢ In 2022, NGS will release “S” and “D” geoid models: static (S) and dynamic (D).

➢ The “S” static will be a typical geoid model, aimed to capture the 1 cm-accurate model at a TBD epoch.

➢ The “D” dynamic will capture the rate of change of the geoid at all places. In 2022, it will capture at least the continuous, permanent change signals such as Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA).

➢ Both models will be integrated into OPUS, mostly invisible to users. Orthometric heights provided by OPUS will be time-sensitive, so that they are the combination of the static geoid model plus the geoid rate of change indicated by the dynamic model.

➢ NGS will provide separate tools to directly access both the “S” and “D” models.

This column discussed the basic foundation parameters of the North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022); that is, a global geopotential model, the GRAV-D project, and the GEOID2022 geoid model. It emphasized that NAPGD2022 will provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to maintain consistent orthometric heights, but evaluating the relative accuracy of the geoid model is critical to a successful implementation of NAPGD2022. Performing GNSS/Leveling evaluation surveys will help in evaluating the relative accuracy of GEOID2022. NGS is developing geodetic routines and tools to assist users in transforming heights from NAVD 88 to NAPGD2022, and enabling the incorporation of geodetic leveling data into NAPGD2022 to establish NAPGD2022 orthometric heights. Future columns will address some of these tools and routines.