TAG: Mount Everest

A GNSS reference station network was established before the survey to provide data for post processing, and to support additional surveying and geophysical studies of the region. (Photo: Trimble)

Everest survey succeeds with Trimble GNSS

July 22, 2020

The survey team and sherpas reach the top of the world. (Photo: CHC Navigation)

Mount Everest survey complete, results still to come

May 28, 2020

The climb to the summit. (Photo: CHC Navigation)

CHC Navigation’s GNSS receivers reach Everest peak

May 27, 2020

Image: BlackJack3D/E+/Getty Images

Seen + Heard: Quantum entanglement, robot dog, reversing earthquakes

May 26, 2020

Image: GPS World

Nepali survey team collects Everest height data

June 4, 2019

Photo: Mount Everest/Daniel Prudek/Shutterstock.com

Seen & Heard: Measuring Everest, GPS Rollover boo-boos

May 22, 2019

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