Trimble Introduces Correction Service for Agriculture in Europe
Trimble announced today a new version of its CenterPoint RTX correction service that delivers convergence to 4-centimeter horizontal accuracy in less than 5 minutes. The service is designed for a variety of precision agriculture operations in Central and Western Europe, and is available for use with the Trimble CFX-750 display.
Trimble CenterPoint RTX delivers highly accurate GNSS corrections via satellite without the need for traditional reference station RTK infrastructure, mobile data plans or additional on-machine hardware. The GNSS-enabled correction service delivers repeatable, real-time high-accuracy positions for land preparation, planting, harvesting and other high-precision farming applications.
Enabled by the new version of RTX technology, RTX version 5.0, the fast convergence time is the result of a new region-specific atmospheric model and a dense ground reference station network. Growers will realize an approximate 80 percent improvement in RTX convergence time as compared to the RTX-standard service that typically provides 30-minute convergence time, Trimble said.
Delivered via a new satellite broadcast covering western and central Europe, the new service will be available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France,Ireland, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Western Poland, Southern Sweden and the United Kingdom.
“We are continually advancing our Trimble RTX technology to improve productivity in the field,” said Patricia Boothe, general manager of Trimble Positioning Services. “Faster initialization times allow growers to start working more quickly, freeing up time to focus on other farm operations. No other satellite-delivered correction service today can offer better than 4 centimeter accuracy in less than 5 minutes.”
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