Tallysman introduces smart GNSS antenna

September 14, 2023  - By
Image: Tallysman Wireless

Image: Tallysman Wireless

Tallysman Wireless has added the HCS885XF/HCS885EXF embedded smart helical GNSS antenna to its line of Smart GNSS Antennas. This antenna is suitable for UAV, land survey devices, automotive positioning, and other precise positioning/heading applications.

The HCS885XF/HCS885EXF combines the performance and light weight of the Tallysman dual-band (GPS/QZSS L1/L5, GLONASS G1/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/b, BeiDou B1/B2/B2a) HC885SXF antenna with the low power consumption and GNSS augmentation capabilities of the u-blox NEO-F9P GNSS receiver.

Instead of using L2 signals, HCS885XF/HCS885EXF employs L5 signals (1160-1217 MHz), which transmits stronger signal power and a higher bandwidth chipping rate to offer high performance when challenged with strong multipath signals. It also employs Tallysman’s eXtended Filtering system, which mitigates near-band and out-of-band interference, such as LTE signals and their harmonics, and the planned Ligado service in North America, enabling operation in the most challenging deployments.

The HCS885XF/HCS885EXF integrated receiver can monitor four constellations simultaneously, provides support for base/rover RTK configurations (<1 cm), and makes use of u-blox PointPerfect PPP-RTK augmented services over a terrestrial control network (3-6 cm). A moving-base precise heading configuration is available with base/rover antenna pairs.

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About the Author: Maddie Saines

Maddie was a managing editor at GPS World.