TAG: GNSS signal

Figure 1: The UT RNL has developed a multi-modal ground-vehicle-mounted integrated perception platform call the Sensorium. It houses three different types of IMU, two triple-frequency GNSS antennas, three radar sensors and two cameras.

GNSS Spoofing Detection: Guard against automated ground vehicle attacks

February 23, 2023

Innovation Insights with Richard Langley

Innovation Insights: What is carrier phase?

February 23, 2023

Image: OxTS

How to select an INS for mobile mapping

February 9, 2023

Other sources, such as lidar, can be used to aid navigation in the absence of GNSS signals. (Photo: OxTS)

Ultra-wideband brings signals indoors

July 28, 2022

Photo: EvgeniyShkolenko/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

MGUE Increment 2 contracts awarded to BAE, L3 and Raytheon

November 16, 2020

The ROSS project, conducted in France by companies Marlink and SeaOwl, demonstrated the feasilibity of autononmous shipping. Orolia systems ensured resilient PNT. (Photo: Marlink)

Resilient PNT critical to maritime advancement

November 9, 2020

In a simulated G1000 NXi integrated flight deck for a King Air 350, a pilot refers to the Garmin Pilot app, used as a supplement during flight. (Photo: Garmin)

GNSS simulator companies help pilots find their way

October 15, 2020

Background image: NicoElNino/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Modern miracle brings timing to the ‘Information Superhighway’

September 21, 2020