TAG: Richard B. Langley


Innovation Insights: Falcon Gold analysis redux

August 9, 2023

Figure 1: The UT RNL has developed a multi-modal ground-vehicle-mounted integrated perception platform call the Sensorium. It houses three different types of IMU, two triple-frequency GNSS antennas, three radar sensors and two cameras.

GNSS Spoofing Detection: Guard against automated ground vehicle attacks

February 23, 2023

Photo: guvendemir/E+/Getty Images

Innovation: Mode N provides alternative PNT for aviation

November 8, 2021

Logo: ION

Impact of ION ‘NAVIGATION’ journal continues to grow

July 13, 2021

FIGURE 1. Components of the quadrotor helicopter. (Photo: K. Mueller, J. Atman, N. Kronenwett & G.F. Trommer)

Innovation: A multi-sensor navigation system for outdoors and indoors

November 20, 2020

1990: UNB Professor Richard Langley and two graduate students use a GPS antenna (recognize it?) on a tripod to re-measure a historical baseline. (Photo: UNB Perspectives)

In the beginning, there was innovation

September 7, 2020

FIGURE 1. Experimental setup. Tested antennas from left to right: Tallysman TW3470, Leica AX1203+ GNSS, low-cost patch antenna (Photo: Chang Hong Information Co.)

Innovation: Low-cost single-frequency positioning in urban environments

May 9, 2018