Systems Engineering Group to demonstrate UAV tech at naval event
Telephonics Corporation’s subsidiary, Systems Engineering Group (SEG), will demonstrate autonomous UAV control and PULSEbox this month during the Annual Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX), Dahlgren (Virginia) Division event.
ANTX-Dahlgren, being held Sept. 13-14, is a two-day event providing a low-risk environment to evaluate technological innovations at the research and development level before technologies become militarized and integrated at the operational level.
The autonomous UAV control demonstration will include a system manager in a UAV control ConOps scenario. System Manager is a model-based expert system of systems, which can plan, schedule and initiate ConOps processes to provide round the clock automation in the Flight Dynamics Operations Area (FDOA) on NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This enables NASA to minimize human involvement in controlling satellite maneuvers along with optimizing data downloads.
PULSEbox offers a high fidelity, real-time, RF threat scene generator that integrates SEG’s threat models with optimized hardware. The system will create advanced test ecosystems by providing real-world target simulated threat states and related radar representations in laboratory settings, leading to improved testing of interoperable elements before live-sea testing events of air-breathing and ballistic missile threats, the company said.
“Both the autonomous UAV control and PULSEbox technologies align with the U.S. Navy’s requirements for more autonomous systems with limited human control requirements and more realistic training, simulation and modeling environments,” said Michael Anderson, Telephonics vice president and SEG general manager.
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