ION GNSS+: To Space and Beyond
ION GNSS+ 2015 is the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation’s Satellite Division and the world’s largest technical meeting and showcase of GNSS technology, products and services and other sensors in today’s marketplace. The conference will be held Sept. 14-18 (tutorials Sept. 14-15) at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Fla.
James L. Green, director of Planetary Science for NASA, will take the audience on a journey navigating through the solar system during his keynote address. He will show new worlds and new discoveries through the eyes of NASA’s planetary spacecraft.
This year’s conference will feature panels of industry experts, policy updates, the world’s largest GNSS commercial exhibit and more than 300 technical presentations presented through both Peer-Reviewed Tracks (Multisensor Navigation and Applications; Algorithms and Methods; and Advanced GNSS Technologies) and Systems and Application Tracks (Mass-Market Applications; High Performance & Safety-Critical Applications; and System Updates, Plans and Policies).
GPS World staff will be moderating the Lightning Talks section of the plenary session, as well as hosting a booth in the Exhibit Hall.
Tap into our up-to-the-minute show coverage here at and via Twitter (@GPSWorld).
Alan Cameron, GPS World Editor and Publisher, provides the following video introduction to the conference.
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