Inertial Labs launches Kernel-210/220
Inertial Labs has released its third generation of MEMS sensor-based inertial measurement units (IMU), MEMS KERNEL-210 and KERNEL-220.
The KERNEL-210 and KERNEL-220 are compact, self-contained, strapdown, tactical-grade IMUs that measure linear accelerations and angular rates using their aligned and calibrated three-axis MEMS accelerometers and three-axis MEMS gyroscopes.
Angular rates and accelerations are determined with low noise and good repeatability for both motionless and dynamic applications.
The KERNEL-220 model utilizes accelerometers with ±40g and ±90g measurement ranges. The IMU is fully calibrated, temperature compensated and mathematically aligned to an orthogonal coordinate system. The KERNEL-220 contains gyroscopes with a bias in-run stability of less than 1 deg/hr and accelerometers with an in-run stability bias of 0.005 mg.
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