SuperGIS Server 3.1 Supports Integration with OpenStreetMap
SuperGeo announced that SuperGIS Server 3.1 Value Edition, a GIS server developed by SuperGeo for enterprises, supports the integration with OpenStreetMap.
According to the announcement, SuperGIS Server 3.1 is designed for enabling the organizations to create, manage, integrate and publish a variety of spatial services. Therefore, the spatial data in all types as well as GIS functions can be applied to desktop, mobile and web applications over the Internet.
The company reports that to provide developers with a flexible server structure, the newest SuperGIS Server 3.1 Value Edition aims to optimize the ability to integrate with other sources. In addition to Google Map services and the services published by ArcGIS Server, the services, published by SuperGIS Server 3.1, can be overlaid with OpenStreetMap services. Administrators are able to publish map services and overlay these services with OpenStreetMap after building SuperGIS Server website. Therefore, the contents of the map website would be richer and more flexible.
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