Sidwell Designing GIS for Oil and Gas Infrastructure Appraiser
Capitol Appraisal Group Inc. (CAGI) has contracted with the Sidwell Co., asking it to provide a system to inventory, value, and keep track of oil and gas infrastructure and the land parcels on which they are built.
CAGI provides appraisal and information services to governmental entities primarily for the purpose of property taxation. It contracted with Sidwell after deciding to pursue a geographic information system that would facilitate the collection of field appraisal data.
This project will be completed in three phases, according to Sidwell and CAGI. The first phase includes review of the typical workflow for field data collection as performed by CAGI technicians, development of a prototype database design, creation of custom forms for ArcPad data capture, and the design and implementation of a system to associate digital camera images directly to records in the ArcPad database.
Phase Two will consist of refinement of the data capture forms and database design to enhance the data collection workflow, and on-site installation, configuration, testing, and training. Phase Three, the enterprise deployment of the entire system, will include installation and configuration of ESRI’s ArcGIS Server, data loading and tuning, technical consulting, and ArcGIS Server administrator training, according to Sidwell and CAGI.
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