Braxton LADO System Supports 10th GPS Satellite Initialization
GPS IIF-5 was launched on February 20 and turned over to the 2nd Space Operations Squadron (2 SOPS) for operations on March 5. This was the 10th successful launch and initialization using Braxton Technologies‘ Launch, Anomaly Resolution, and Disposal Operations (LADO) system.
LADO has performed all the mission planning, commanding and telemetry processing necessary to prepare all GPS satellites for operational use since October 2007. Developed and sustained by Braxton Technologies, LADO was built using Braxton’s ACE Premier commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product line for spacecraft control, astrodynamics and simulation.
“Braxton is proud to be a key partner on the GPS program,” said Ken O’Neil, Braxton’s President and Chief Operating Officer. “As a small business, we greatly value our partnership with the US Air Force and enjoy quickly delivering innovative capabilities to support the U.S. military and the GPS worldwide user community.”
The GPS IIF-5 replaces the GPS IIA-15 satellite launched in 1994. The 19th Space Operations Squadron (19 SOPS) will control the GPS IIA-15 using LADO, where the spacecraft will be stored as a spare available for reactivation within the x-plane for the remainder of its useful life.
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