U.S. Army Is Seeking GPS-Denied Technology for UAS
The U.S. Army’s Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC), located at Picatinny Arsenal in north-central New Jersey, has issued a sources sought notice for technology it can use for a variety of unmanned systems.
The notice says that technologies developed for the Autonomous Unmanned Systems Teaming and Collaboration In GPS Denied Environments program (AUSTC) could be used for small UAS, underwater vehicles and ground vehicles.
The center plans to to “identify, invest, mature and transition revolutionary/game-changing autonomous unmanned sensing technologies.”
“The AUSTC program employs a ‘think-tank’ and modified ‘skunk-works’ approach to identify and determine best path forward for new and game-changing technologies that may be available or in development to achieve U.S. Army RDECOM-ARDEC interest Sensitive Target Site Exploitation (STSE) mission,” the notice reads.
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