Hexagon | NovAtel upgrades GNSS resilience and integrity technology
April 29, 2024
Hexagon | NovAtel has launched the NovAtel Application Suite Version 2.0, now including GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT).
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Hexagon | NovAtel has launched the NovAtel Application Suite Version 2.0, now including GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT).
Hexagon | NovAtel has released its 7.09.01 and 7.09.02 firmware, designed to provide improved precise point positioning (PPP) accuracy and availability for ionospheric scintillation on all OEM7 receiver boards, enclosures and SMART Antennas.
CMC Electronics has partnered with the Hexagon Autonomy & Positioning division, which includes the Hexagon | NovAtel brand, to release a multi-constellation, multi-frequency (MCMF) GNSS platform.
Wingtrahas introduced a lidar UAV mapping solution that combines the WingtraOne GEN II UAV with a newly developed lidar sensor.
A roundup of recent products in the GNSS and inertial positioning industry from the July 2023 issue of GPS World magazine.
This feature story discussses why full autonomy will require very smart, accurate maps, and very smart, positionally aware vehicles.
GPS World editor-in-chief sat down with Peter Soar, Business Development Manager, Military and Defense, Hexagon | NovAtel for an exclusive interview.
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