Registration open for ION Joint Navigation Conference 2021

March 18, 2021  - By

Logo: ION JNCThe Institute of Navigation (ION) announces that registration for the Joint Navigation Conference (JNC) is now open.

The JNC, sponsored by the Military Division of the Institute of Navigation, will be held Aug. 24-26 (FEDCON U.S. ONLY) at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington, Kentucky (Greater Cincinnati, Ohio).

The Classified Sessions (Secret U.S. ONLY) will be held Aug. 27, at the Air Force Institute of Technology on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Visit requests and approvals are required for all session attendees.

View the JNC 2021 program and register at

JNC 2021 is the largest U.S. military positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) conference of the year, with joint service and government participation.

Four new panel sessions have been introduced to this year’s technical program, which will host leaders and decision makers as they discuss and debate

  • MGUE Integration
  • Rapid Agile Development and Manufacturing
  • the National Critical Infrastructure Threat
  • Combatant Command Joint Urgent Operation Need (Secret, U.S. Only).

The technical program will focus on enhancing dominance and resilience for warfighting and homeland security PNT, and will include keynote addresses from:

  • William B. Nelson, director, Assured Positioning Navigation &Timing (APNT) Cross Functional Team (CFT), U.S. Army Futures Command
  • Ray Chartier, Jr., Safety of Navigation Mission manager, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
  • General David D. Thompson, vice xhief of Space Operations, United States Space Force
  • Bradford Parkinson, Stanford Center for PNT

Attendance Restricted for JNC Technical Sessions

Conference attendance for both FEDCON (U.S. ONLY) (Aug. 24-26) and Classified Sessions (U.S. ONLY) (Aug. 27) will be screened by the Joint Navigation Warfare Center. Visit requests and approvals are required for all technical participants.

The exhibit hall is open to any registered conference attendee or exhibiting company representative, and all materials shall be designated DISTRO A/Publicly Releasable After Review.

Government-issued photo ID will be required to access all conference events.

If you have questions, contact the Institute of Navigation at or by calling +1-703-366-2723.

About the Author: Tracy Cozzens

Senior Editor Tracy Cozzens joined GPS World magazine in 2006. She also is editor of GPS World’s newsletters and the sister website Geospatial Solutions. She has worked in government, for non-profits, and in corporate communications, editing a variety of publications for audiences ranging from federal government contractors to teachers.