QZSS workshop comes to Sydney Feb. 6
The Japan-Australia QZSS Industrial Utilisation Workshop will be held Feb. 6 at the University of New South Wales (Kensington Campus), Room Chemical Sc M18, Sydney, Australia.
Download the event brochure for more information.
The workshop will share information about QZSS and GPS related technologies and the latest developments in the applications of this technology in a range of sectors including in agriculture, autonomous driving, advanced route guidance and the maritime sector.
The workshop will explore avenues for future cooperation with Australian organisations, both in the private and public sectors and report on trials undertaken in Australia using QZSS applications.
The QZSS Workshop will feature a range of keynote speakers from key Japanese Ministries including: the Ministry of the Economy and Industry (METI), the National Space Policy Secretariat (Cabinet Office), the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) , Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Japanese industry, including Toyota Tsusho, Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO), Global Positioning Augmentation Service Corporation (GPAS), Hitachi Zosen Corporation (HITZ), as well as keynote speakers from the Australian public and private sectors.
Learn more at the workshop website.
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