Onocoy launches RTK service

August 14, 2024  - By


onocoy has launched the onocoy real-time kinematic (RTK) service designed to offer positioning capabilities worldwide.

The service utilizes blockchain technology and a decentralized network of reference stations, offering users accurate correction data for applications requiring centimeter-level positioning. onocoy RTK offers global coverage with data quality controls in place to verify correction information before distribution.

According to onocoy, the service offers quick convergence times and high accuracy due to its dense network of reference stations. It outputs data in the standardized RTCM format for integration with various systems.

onocoy RTk targets industries such as agriculture, construction, mining, robotics and autonomous systems that require flexible and reliable high-precision positioning. onocoy says it is also developing business-to-business offerings, including access to station data and customized solutions.

With this launch, onocoy aims to expand access to RTK technology and advance high-precision positioning capabilities across sectors.