J-Shield from JAVAD to Counter Interference

August 21, 2012  - By
Image: GPS World


JAVAD GNSS announces that it has improved its GNSS protection filters, not only to protect the L1 band against all interferences (including LightSquared 10L, 10H and 10R handset), but to protect against all other interferences which may come in any other GNSS band.

The company calls its improved filter the J-Shield, and states that it will “help make the bands near any GNSS band free for other usages like broadband wireless, which the United States desperately needs to catch up with other nations, as currently the United States is number 16 in the world [in broadband capacity], and to help to create competition to potentially reduce U.S. wireless broadband costs to 1/3 of what they are today.”

CEO and founder Javad Ashjaee will present details on the J-Shield on Thursday, September 20, at the ION-GNSS conference in Nashville, Tennessee, in a talk titled “All about GNSS Interferences and Jammers.”

The talk will cover:

  1. Where does interference come from?
  2. How to know, view, quantify and analyze interference.
  3. How to protect against interferences.
  4. Implementation of these features in JAVAD GNSS’s mass-produced commercial products.
  5. Introduction of the J-Shied for all GNSS bands.

The company will also have an exhibit on the ION-GNSS show floor in the Nashville Convention Center, from Wednesday, September 19 to Friday, September 21.

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