Get Full Advantage from Many Profitable Features In One Compact RTK Rover
The TRIUMPH-LS and its field software, J-Field, have many revolutionary and innovative features compared to current GNSS systems. Here is a quick overview of its most salient features, making it an ideal unit for surveyors in the field and managing from the office.
The TRIUMPH-LS contains everything needed to function as a complete RTK rover in one small, compact, ergonomic and very portable unit:
- an 864-channel GNSS receiver
- a UHF or spread spectrum radio, a GSM modem
- a Wi-Fi adapter
- two internal cameras
- a flashlight
- a bright 800 x 480 pixel display.
Also included with the system is a collapsible monopod rover pole which allows the unit to be quickly folded up to fit in a very small space, perfect for carrying the system in the field or quickly stowing inside a vehicle. The lack of a data collector bracketed to the rover pole further increases its portability; the user can carry the system through the woods without having to worry about an extruding data collector getting caught in brush.
This system was ergonomically engineered; the head-height vertical display allows the user to operate the TRIUMPH-LS while standing in an upright position and looking forward. Users do not need to bend their neck to look down to view the display, as is traditionally done with a system having a data collector attached to a rover pole. This Triumph feature allows the system to be used without the neck soreness that can plague a user after working for extended periods of time.
The TRIUMPH-LS contains a built-in compass and tilt sensors. The compass enables quick and efficient stake-out of points. Forward/back and left/right offset readings relative to the face of the display show precisely where the stake-out point is located. This stakeout method reduces the time required for this task, compared to using traditional north/south and east/west offsets. The built-in tilt sensors can be used in lieu of having to plumb the rover pole. Taking advantage of the tilt sensors is also a “Lift & Tilt” mode that means topo points can be collected without pressing any buttons. In this mode, when the TRIUMPH-LS is plumbed, a point will automatically start collecting and can be programmed to collect a set number of epochs or to stop collection when the unit is tilted. After the point is collected, the user tilts the TRIUMPH-LS and walks to the next point, which will be collected when the unit is plumbed again.
Software. The field software, J-Field, is included at no extra charge with the system. There is no need for an external data collector or software. J-Field is constantly being improved, and updates will always be available free of charge with the system. The updates can be downloaded through Wi-Fi and are very simple to install, requiring only a couple of button presses to update the system.
J-Field features six separate, parallel RTK engines that all run simultaneously with separate assumptions. This allows for fixes to be obtained quicker than if only a single RTK engine were used. It has an advanced RTK verification system that can be used in difficult RTK environments where there is high multipath and/or tree canopy cover. This process will automatically reset the RTK engines and eliminate points from being collected with bad RTK fixes that often plague other systems in difficult locations.
With the built-in GSM modem, it is very easy to connect to real-time networks (RTNs). Alternately, it can also be connected through Wi-Fi using a mobile hotspot.
Full CAD features are in the process of being developed for use with the map screen. The ability to draw lines, polylines, circles and arcs will be supported. Using the planned move, copy, offset and rotate commands, much of the same CAD work that is traditionally done in the office will now be able to be completed in the field. This very beneficial feature can reduce the number of return visits to a project site.
J-Field has many customization features that can be used to increase productivity as your knowledge of the system grows. The stake and collect screens have eight white boxes that are easily customized to display a number of fields that the user may desire.
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