EOS platform offers worldwide satellite imagery
EOS has partnered with four high-resolution imagery providers — Airbus Defense and Space, SI Imaging Services, SpaceWill and 21AT — so users can purchase the latest images directly from LandViewer, the official high-resolution data reseller, or view the images of an area of interest in high resolution on the map.
LandViewer collects the latest up-to-date satellite imagery from commercial satellite providers and incorporates it into an easy-to-use platform. The collection is constantly being improved with new sensors.
LandViewer offers two data sources of commercial imagery:
- High-resolution imagery (for analytics), to find and purchase high-resolution images for further in-depth analysis. In this case, the price is based on the size of the area of intersection between the selected image and your area of interest (AOI).
- High-resolution imagery (view only) to view high-resolution images for your area of interest (AOI). In this case, the price is based on the number of tiles within your AOI. The view only option is designed as a stand-alone data source for the everyday business user.
The EOS platform uses commercial imagery from LandViewer with a resolution between 0.3 meter and 1.5 meters, enabling a close look at assets of interest, anywhere in the world.
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