Gakstatter Reports on CGSIC Meeting
GPS World Survey and GIS editor Eric Gaskstatter attended the CGSIC (Civil GPS Service Interface Committee) State and Local Government subcommittee meeting in Seattle August 14, and provided a report in his Survey Scene editorial.
The Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) was established to facilitate communication among civilian GPS users, identify civilian user community needs, and report to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation. The U.S. state and local government subcommittee meeting moves around to different parts of the U.S. The next meeting is the annual CGSIC meeting, typically held the two days prior to the Institute of Navigation (ION) GNSS conference. This year it’s being held in Nashville, Tennessee.
Gakstatter reports on how GNSS receiver technology is moving much faster than GPS policymakers can keep up with, the National Telcommunications and Information Administration’s efforts to execute the National Broadband Plan, and a whether illegal jamming has been on the rise.
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