Septentrio debuts smart antenna at Intergeo 2017
Septentrio’s debuted its Altus NR3 at Intergeo 2017, which took place Sept. 26-28 in Berlin, Germany. According to the company, the Altus NR3 combines easy-to-use, multi-frequency, quad-constellation RTK with an unrivalled communications toolset.
Key features of the antenna include a light and portable GNSS receiver; quad-constellation, multi-frequency RTK positioning; and an anti-jamming and monitoring system. The Altus NR3 also features all-in-one base and rover operation.
“This is a true RTK system that makes the use of all the signals to have the best performance that Septentrio is recognized for,” said Gustavo Lopez, product manager at Septentrio. “We also bring something that is quite unique in terms of technology, which is interference mitigation.”
According to the company, the Altus NR3 can suppress the widest variety of interferers from simple continuous narrow-band signals to the more complex wide band and pulsed transmitters, as well as lnmarsat and Iridium satellite transmissions.
The Altus NR3 also features an open interface, so it can be used for a variety of use cases and applications, Lopez added.
Watch the video to learn more about the Altus NR3’s features.
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