RIEGL, Schiebel team up for UAV-based airborne scanning

June 23, 2023  - By


Image: RIEGL

Image: RIEGL

RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH and Schiebel have successfully completed the integration of a laser scanning system, the RIEGL VQ-840-G topo-bathymetric lidar sensor, on the Schiebel CAMCOPTER S-100 UAS. The RIEGL VQ-840-G, combined with the technical specifications and performance of the CAMCOPTER S-100 UAS, enables an efficient and secure way for surveying shallow waters, where monitoring from boats becomes a challenge.

The applications of airborne lidar bathymetry include the mapping of coastlines and riverbanks, as well as the monitoring of natural habitats, water reservoirs and hydraulic engineering applications.

In a single data acquisition mission, data below and above the water surface are covered.


Image: RIEGL

Additionally, the topographic laser scanners RIEGL VUX-1UAV/-LR and VUX-12023 can be integrated in the front payload bay of the CAMCOPTER S-100.

The VQ-840-G topo-bathymetric laser scanner is designed for use in a variety of maritime and hydrographic environments. The lidar sensor payload system is controlled remotely via a data link, which was crucial for the integration into the S-100 system.

The scanner is controlled by using the onboard software RiACQUIRE-Embedded via the available data link; data acquisition and laser safety are also monitored. Once the survey is completed, the raw data seamlessly integrates into the RIEGL data processing workflow.

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About the Author: Maddie Saines

Maddie was a managing editor at GPS World.