New Technology in Forestry: Are You Ready?
In the early 1990s, I recall being tasked with training a group of foresters on how to use a new-fangled handheld data collector the company I worked for had developed, along with various pieces of software on it for traversing, timber cruising, vegetation surveys, profiling, etc. Being fairly young and somewhat inexperienced, I didn’t fully understand the challenge of trying to convince a group of seasoned foresters to put away their pencils and “Rite in the Rain” tally cards and pick up an electronic gizmo in which they punched in their cruise plot info, traverse bearings, and various other pieces of field data. Of course, being involved in the development of the new-fangled handheld data collector, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Who could deny the value of error-checking to check for typos, graphic plot of traverses, and no transcribing back in the office?
It’s too bad none (of mostly none) of the foresters in the room felt the same way.
“I see how it will help the office people, but what’s in it for me?” questioned one.
“It takes longer for me to punch it in the data collector than it does to write it down,” argued another.
Upon sensing the building resentment, the HFIC (Head Forester In Charge) stood up in front of the room full of 40 or so foresters and said, “Well, folks, this is the direction we are going, so you need to get with the program.”
Eventually, most of them adopted the new technology and some even embraced it. But some of the more technologically-resistant folks would go as far as using “Rite in the Rain” paper to record data in the woods only to return to their truck and enter it into the data collector. However, I believe after a period of time they became quite adept at data entry in their truck, so much so that the data collector eventually made its way into the woods with them.
That was 20 years ago. The 80386 was the mainstream computer CPU, e-mail was still a novelty, websites were few and far between, and a mobile phone was about the size of lunch box.
DuraRite “Rite in the Rain” Pocket Notebook
Since that time, it seems like the forester has been bombarded with one mind-bending technology after another.
Of course, GPS is close to my heart as I have written for GPS World magazine for many years and have been involved with GPS for more than 20 years. My first 10 years in GPS were spent developing GPS mapping products while the past 10 years have been spent as a power user of all sizes and shapes of GPS receivers, from ultra-miniature receivers giving mediocre accuracy to some of the highest -precision receivers ever made.
Since GPS has been around a long time, you may think that is has reached a level of technological maturity. In some respects, you would be right. It’s been used by foresters since the late 1980s, albeit it has evolved significantly since then.
In the early 1990s, GPS mapping receivers used for forestry were backpack configurations with handheld data recorders. WAAS didn’t exist, DGPS/beacons didn’t exist, Bluetooth didn’t exist, RTK Networks didn’t exist, and Selective Availability (SA) was active. SA meant that GPS autonomous accuracy (without any sort of correction) was about 100 meters. To improve accuracy, users had to post-process their GPS data using GPS base-station data. Public GPS base stations were virtually non-existent, and the Internet access was not commonplace, so most folks had to install, manage, and maintain their own GPS base stations.
In May 2000, one of the most significant events in GPS history took place. The U.S. Government turned off SA. Overnight, the autonomous accuracy of GPS receivers increased ten-fold. It was never turned on again, and years later it was announced the feature wouldn’t be designed into future GPS satellites. It is gone forever.
Since then, GPS availability and accuracy has increased due to a number of GPS system advancements as well as GPS receiver advancements. The price of GPS receivers have also dropped significantly. In 1990, a GPS receiver designed for 2-5 meter accurate mapping was priced at more than $10,000. Today, a sub-meter accurate GPS receiver can be purchased for under $2,000. That trend is going to continue. In fact, GPS is going to change a lot more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 10 years.
Last year, the U.S. government launched a new generation satellite (model IIF) that adds another signal for civilians called L5. Once enough satellites are in orbit broadcasting L5 (as soon as 2015), you’ll likely see very inexpensive, high-accuracy GPS receivers.
The beauty of the L5 signal is that it’s supported by other GPS-like systems such as Europe’s Galileo. The European Union is scheduled to launch its first two operational satellites this summer with the second pair scheduled for launch in early 2012. The first 18 Galileo satellites are projected to be in orbit by 2015. Since Galileo satellites use the same L1 and L5 frequencies as GPS satellites, a receiver designed for GPS is easily designed for Galileo, too. One advantage of a GPS/Galileo receiver is that you’ll have more satellites in view, and for foresters working under tree canopy or on steep terrain, this will make mapping a lot easier and quicker. For example, today you might have 6-7 GPS satellites in view while you’re in the woods. With future GPS and Galileo satellites, you might have 12 or 13 satellites in view.
GPS receivers are becoming cheaper, better, and faster. Similar to personal computers, GPS receivers have declined in price and will continue to decline in price. Don’t be surprised if you see high-precision GPS receivers for mapping being sold for $100-200 in the future. WAAS is going to support L5, too. Today, the best accuracy you can get from WAAS is around two feet. Once WAAS supports L5 (around 2020), it will be able to provide accuracy of around four inches to inexpensive L1/L5 dual-frequency receivers.
The Russian satellite system (GLONASS) has brought a lot to the table for surveyors and engineers in the past 10 years. In 2000, it seemed the GLONASS program was dead in the water and heading for extinction. The Russian Federation has done a fantastic job of revitalizing GLONASS to the point that GLONASS has become a standard feature on high-accuracy GNSS receivers across the surveying and engineering industries. The value of GLONASS is not accuracy, but rather availability. If you’re in the woods and having trouble tracking enough GPS satellites, GLONASS can add another 5-6 satellite signals, which can be the difference between getting a shot or not in dense tree canopy.
While GLONASS used to be a feature only offered in high-accuracy surveying receivers due to its complex design, you will start to see mid-range GPS mapping receivers utilizing GLONASS. It’s also likely you’ll see consumer GPS receivers offering GLONASS as well because in the past couple of months, two of the GPS chipset companies introduced GPS/GLONASS chips for the consumer market.
At the Esri conference la
st summer, Lawrie Jordan, Esri’s director of Imagery Solutions and founder of ERDAS, said this is the most exciting time to be involved in imagery in his 40-year career.
Commercial satellite imagery quality and availability is the best it’s ever been. It wasn’t that long ago that five-year-old, three-meter-pixel resolution, black/white satellite imagery was the norm. Today, GeoEye, DigitalGlobe, RapidEye, and Spot Image are delivering an amazing amount of digital imagery at even more amazing resolutions on a regular basis. Jordan predicts that in less than five years, every square inch of the Earth will be imaged (by satellites) constantly. He said we are already half-way there.
There is no better technology than satellite imagery for capturing the devastating impact of large-scale natural disasters such as the March 11, 2011, earthquake/tsunami in Japan.
The following image (half-meter resolution) of Miniami Sanriku Cho, Japan, was captured by the GeoEye-1 satellite on November 15, 2009, prior to the earthquake/tsunami.
Courtesy: GeoEye
The next image (one-meter resolution) was taken on March 12, 2011, a day after the fifth strongest earthquake in recorded history struck off the coast of Japan, creating a massive tsunami that caused devastating flooding and resulted in extensive infrastructure damage and loss of life.
Courtesy: GeoEye
The following one-meter resolution image was shot by GeoEye’s IKONOS satellite on March 23, 2011. According to GeoEye, this is the Indian Gulch fire burning near Golden, Colorado. As of March 24, the fire had consumed 1,500 acres and was 25 percent contained. GeoEye says this type of imagery may be used to assess and measure damage to forest and other types of land cover — especially when compared to a false-color image of the same area.
Courtesy: GeoEye
Bottom line: Commercial satellite imagery is becoming more readily available and at higher resolutions than ever before. Look for that trend to continue.
Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that is sometimes referred to as 3D scanning. Traditionally, LiDAR is thought of as an airborne technology with a scanner mounted in an aircraft that can map huge swaths of ground, collecting elevation data in order to create a digital elevation model (DEM) for topographic surveys and other types of analysis. While collecting the data is relatively quick (albeit expensive), a huge amount of data is collected and must be processed.
According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), two problems have hindered Lidar for scientific applications beyond creating bare-earth DEMs.
- The high cost of collecting Lidar data.
- The steep learning curve on research and understanding how to use the entire point cloud.
While airborne Lidar has been around for quite some time, terrestrial (land-based) Lidar has made a strong push in recent years, and has even made its appearance on mainstream television (Crime Scene Investigation – CSI on CBS, 2005). Working on the same concept of 3D scanning, terrestrial Lidar is not used from thousands of feet in the air looking down, but rather on a tripod scanning a room, or scanning a bridge from 200 feet in the distance.
Courtesy: Wikipedia
Personally, I coordinated a 3D scanning project many years to create a 3D model of a wrecked SAAB 9000 as part of an accident reconstruction project. The process of scanning was very quick. It was completed within a couple of hours. The process of creating a deliverable (this was circa. 2003), however, was another story. It was a very labor-intensive project that took weeks. Today, software to create a deliverable from these big “point cloud” files has improved dramatically and more increasingly, third party software developers are creating software tools that assist users in working with these data sets.
Terrestrial 3D scanners first started making their appearance in the land surveying and civil engineering professions. 3D scanners are an efficient way to create complex as-built maps such as in refineries.
They still have somewhat of a steep price tag today, but they were especially expensive when they were first introduced, well over $100,000 at that time.
But terrestrial 3D scanning is hitting its stride and finding its way into other industries besides surveying and engineering. Yes, even forestry. Albeit in its early stages of development, 3D scanners are being hauled into the woods.
Take a look at the following illustration courtesy of TreeMetrics of Ireland.
According to TreeMetrics, millions of points are collected with each 30 meter scan. After downloading the scan data, software filters irrelevant data and creates a 3D profile of each tree. The DBH, height, taper, straightness and volume are calculated for each tree. Trees that weren’t scanned due to heavy branches or other obstructions are modeled. Stem data files are then produced from which simulation models can be developed that will be used to estimate the product value before a tree is harvested. If harvesting is not done at that time, data is recorded and can be compared to future scans to monitor growth and health.
Bottom line: 3D scanning, especially terrestrial 3D scanning, is a technology you’ll see in the not-so-distant future, maybe even in the woods. Prices of 3D scanning equipment will continue to decline while software to handle the massive point clouds will continue to become more powerful.
GPS, satellite imagery, and Lidar are only three of a number of advancing technologies that foresters will see working their way into their toolkit. Mobile phones are also advancing at a rapid pace, becoming significantly more powerful and performing many more tasks than just a phone. The more advanced mobile phones have a GPS chip built inside as well as street maps and aerial photos a la Google and Microsoft. If you look back at mobile phones 10 years ago and compare them to today’s phone, it’s hard to imagine where they will be 10 years from now. They could quite possibly be the central piece of office equipment for all your communications and document management.
Thanks, and see you next week.
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