My Presentation at the 2012 Esri International User Conference

August 10, 2012  - By

This is my powerpoint presentation (in pdf format) that I gave at the 2012 Esri International User Conference in San Diego on July 26, 2012.

Somehow, I was able to deliver this in about 20 minutes (although I did skip over a few slides). However, I really needed about 60+ minutes to go through it.


Next week, I’m presenting at the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) Meeting in Seattle, WA.

This week I intended to post my 2012 Esri UC post-conference summary, but I couldn’t finish it in time. Look for that next week. Being in the geospatial space is pretty exciting these days with so much technology development happening.


Thanks, and see you next week.
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This is posted in GSS Monthly, Mapping