International Colloquium Focuses on Galileo Fundamentals
The Fourth International Colloquium – Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme will be held December 4-6, 2013, in Prague, Czech Republic.
This colloquium intends to bring together leading members of the European scientific community and their international partners. One of its aims is to propose those in charge of Galileo operations and development means of enhancing the scientific use of Galileo and to contribute to GNSS development based on scientific approaches.
The colloquium will address four major areas of research:
- Scientific applications in meteorology, geodesy, geophysics, space physics, oceanography, land surface and ecosystem studies, using either direct or reflected signals, differential measurements, phase measurements, radio occultation measurements, using receivers placed on the ground, in airplanes or on satellites.
- Scientific developments in physics, dealing with future GNSS, particularly in testing fundamental laws in astronomy and in quantum communication. Relativistic reference frames and relativistic positioning will be addressed.
- Aspects of metrology, such as reference frames, on board and ground clocks as well as precise orbit determination
- Scientific aspects of satellite navigation and positioning such as signal propagation, tropospheric and ionospheric corrections and means to model and mitigate multipath and interference
During this colloquium, the various possibilities to use navigation satellites such as Galileo satellites for scientific purposes shall be reviewed and the question be answered how these scientific applications can contribute to make the most of the present systems, and define their future evolution. The conference will be organized as a series of plenary talks and two parallel half-day sessions.
To learn more about the colloquium, visit the event’s website.
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