Galileo Commercial Service Implementing Decision enters into force

February 15, 2017  - By


The European Commission and the European GNSS Agency (GSA) confirm that the first generation of Galileo will already provide users with high accuracy and authentication services. Both the commission and GSA have adopted the Galileo Commercial Service Implementing Decision.

The Commercial Service will complement the Galileo Open Service by providing an additional navigation signal and added-value services in a different frequency band. Unlike the Open Service, the Commercial Service signal can be encrypted in order to control access to Galileo Commercial Services.

“The Commercial Service is unique in that its services are not provided by any other GNSS programme and thus represents a unique opportunity for Galileo to differentiate itself from other systems and offer users an added value to the standard positioning services already available,” says GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

With the Commercial Service, Galileo users will benefit from:

  • High Accuracy service based on the transmission of Precise Point Positioning information through its E6-B signal, delivering accuracy below one decimeter worldwide; and
  • Commercial Authentication service based on the E6 signal code encryption, allowing for increased robustness of professional applications.

Following the Commercial Service Implementing Decision, the user community will also be able to use the Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OS NMA) for free. The OS NMA is capable of protecting users from spoofing attacks by digitally signing the Open Service message in the E1 band.

The High Accuracy and Commercial Authentication services will most likely be provided for a fee, and at least one signal component of the Galileo E6 signals will remain freely available, allowing user communities to benefit from signals in all Galileo bands.

To avoid disrupting existing professional markets, the Commercial Service will be most likely be operated by at least one yet-to-be-determined commercial service provider. All three services are compatible with the current signal definition and are based on existing infrastructure.

After a test period, the Galileo Commercial Service will become available when Galileo reaches Full Operational Capability, which is expected by 2020. It will complement the Galileo Open Service, Public Regulated Service and Search and Rescue service — all available now via the Galileo Initial Services.

Additional satellites will be successively added to the constellation, with the launch of the next four foreseen in 2017.

Learn more about Galileo Commercial Service demonstration activities.

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  1. Seamas says:

    “The Commercial Service is unique in that its services are not provided by any other GNSS programme and thus represents a unique opportunity for Galileo to differentiate itself from other systems…”

    Has Galileo reduced it’s ambition to simply “being different for the sake of being different”? It is disappointing to think that so many years of investment cannot strive for a more worthwhile purpose.