Chinese BeiDou/GPS Module Aims to Serve Civilians
A new module produced by a Chinese company combines GPS and BeiDou for civilian positioning, especially for automobiles. The module has been in development for years, and offers improved accuracy and reliability, according to its makers.
“GPS is a single-mode application. But we what are offering with our new module now is a system that can combine Beidou and GPS services, so that the accuracy and reliability can be improved,” Lin Hongzheng, China Electronics Tech. Group Corporation, told CCTV.
The module is expected to improve accuracy to better than one meter, which is now achievable by the current BeiDou system, according to the module’s developers. Ground stations would improve the accuracy even further. “Hopefully, it will be able to position vehicles in different lanes of a road,” said Hu Jinmin, Shenzhen Road Rover Technology.
Pricing has always been a struggle for Beidou hardware, CCTV said. The market price of the new module has come down to less than 30 yuan, or US$5, similar to that of a GPS module.
“This year, from modules to end products, the Beidou system is ready for massive production and ready to compete in the market,” Hongzheng told CCTV.
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