Art Kalinski Reports from GEOINT 2015

June 23, 2015  - By


Editor’s Note:This week, Geointelligence Insider’s Art Kalinski reports from GEOINT 2015, being held in Washington, D.C., June 22-25.

GEOINT 2015 is not your daddy’s geospatial conference. If there is a common theme to this convention, it’s the problem of too much data and not enough analysts, so there are many exhibitors addressing the issue with automated systems that merge the “man and machine,” taking advantage of the best capabilities of each.


 NGA Director Robert Cardillo on the Agency’s Strategy

NGA Director Robert Cardillo discusses the agency’s new strategy at GEOINT 2015. Cardillo became the sixth director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in October 2014.

A Demonstration of Esri’s ArcGIS Full Motion Video Add-In

Geointelligence Insider’s Art Kalinski talks with Craig Cleveland, Esri solution engineer, about the ability to geo-register full motion video inside an ArcMap.

Thad Allen Discusses eLoran at GEOINT 2015

In this interview Admiral Thad Allen, former commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, discusses PNT alternatives to GPS for navigation, including eLoran and the activation June 19 of a signal on an eLoran tower in preparation for a timing signal trial.

Allan is an executive vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton, and a leader in the firm’s Departments of Justice and Homeland Security business in the civil market. In 2010, President Obama selected him to serve as the National Incident Commander for the unified response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Geoweb 3D Demonstration at GEOINT 2015

Vincent Autieri, vice president and CEO of Geoweb 3D, explains the company’s 3D mapping engine.

CACI Predictive Tool Using Social Media Discussed at GEOINT 2015

Andrew Doyle, engineering senior manager of CACI, describes the EMBERS system, which uses social media to predict socially significant events such as protests or disease outbreaks.

About the Author: Art Kalinski

A career Naval Officer, Art Kalinski established the Navy’s first geographic information system (GIS) in the mid-1980s. Completing a post-graduate degree in GIS at the University of North Carolina, he was the Atlanta Regional Commission GIS Manager from 1993 to 2007. He pioneered the use of oblique imagery for public safety and participated in numerous disaster-response actions including GIS/imagery support of the National Guard during Hurricane Katrina; the Urban Area Security Initiative; a NIMS-based field exercise in Atlanta; and a fully manned hardware-equipped joint disaster response exercise in New York City. Kalinski retired early from ARC to join Pictometry International to direct military projects using oblique imagery, which led to him joining SPGlobal Inc. He has written articles for numerous geospatial publications, and authors a monthly column for the GeoIntelligence Insider e-newsletter aimed at federal GIS users.