Upcoming Navigation Satellite Launches Scheduled

September 11, 2012  - By
Image: GPS World

News courtesy of CANSPACE listserv.


Launch dates this fall for GNSS satellites are as follows, according to various sources:

Compass M2 and M5: September 18, 18:12 UTC (speculative); Compass G6: No earlier than October 1.

GSAT-10 (includes a GAGAN SBAS transponder): September 21.

GPS IIF-3: October 4, 2012. Launch window: 12:10-12:29 UTC.

Galileo IOV FM3 and FM4: October 10, 18:31 UTC.

Luch-5B: Originally scheduled for October 15, launch has slipped to no earlier than November 1 due to an issue with the “Briz-M” upper stage, which caused the loss of the Telkom-3 and Ekspress-MD2 communication satellites during their launch on August 6.

GLONASS-K1 (block K2s): November 14.

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