TAG: GPS Block IIF satellite

Image: GPS World

Delta IV GPS IIF-9 Launch Highlights

April 2, 2015

Image: GPS World

GNSS Constellations March On

March 25, 2015

courtesy of ULA

GPS IIF-9 Prepped for March 25 Launch

March 18, 2015

Image: GPS World

Delta Rocket Moves to Launchpad for March GPS Launch

February 9, 2015

Photo: GLA

The System: eLoran Operational on Eastern UK Coast

December 1, 2014

A United Launch Alliance Delta IV lifts off from Space Launch Complex-37 with the Air Force's Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF-5 satellite. This launch marked the 25th Delta IV flight since the first flight in 2002.

Delay in Setting Recently Launched Block IIF Satellite Healthy

April 17, 2014

A United Launch Alliance Delta IV lifts off from Space Launch Complex-37 with the Air Force's Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF-5 satellite. This launch marked the 25th Delta IV flight since the first flight in 2002.

New GPS IIF Satellite Launched

February 21, 2014

Image: GPS World

GPS IIF-5 Launch Delayed

October 22, 2013

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