TAG: Broadcom

The BCM4778 dual-frequency chip is designed for small mobile and wearables. (Photo: Broadcom)

Broadcom launches its lowest power GNSS receiver for mobile, wearables

September 22, 2021

Photo: Quectel

Quectel, Broadcom launch GNSS positioning module for eMobility

July 16, 2020

Photo: Broadcom

Broadcom’s second-generation dual-frequency GNSS uses new L5 signals

January 8, 2020

Photo: OriginGPS

OriginGPS and Broadcom introduce L1 + L5 chip at MWC19 Los Angeles

October 21, 2019

This article is tagged with , , , , , , , and posted in Latest News, Mobile, OEM
U.S. manufacturers are eager to take advantage of the added accuracy that Galileo offers. (Image: GSA)

GNSS chip manufacturers gear up for Galileo roll-out in U.S.

March 22, 2019

Image: GPS World

Research Online: Optimizing performance of dual-frequency mass-market chips

October 24, 2018

The mixed urban environment in San Francisco, where Starling + the TeseoAPP was tested and data collected and processed in real time. (Image: Swift Navigation)

Swift demos Starling with Teseo auto-grade chips from ST

October 22, 2018

An open-sky freeway environment on Interstate 280 in California where Starling + the BCM47755 were tested and data collected and processed in real time. (Image: Swift Navigation)

Swift Navigation Starling GNSS engine tested with Broadcom BCM47755 chip

October 10, 2018