Supergeo Hosts Free Online GIS Courses
Supergeo is providing free online GIS web courses to support real-world case application of GIS technologies. The courses will introduce GIS software on various platforms, from basic to advanced. Through the courses, users can gain geospatial knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of SuperGIS software operations and applications.
Supergeo is dedicated to providing total GIS solutions for worldwide users and enabling personnel in diverse domains to apply spatial technologies on various platforms, including desktop, server, mobile devices, and web services. The courses will cover:
- Desktop GIS: the use and application of SuperGIS Desktop and extensions, analysis functions in SuperGIS Toolkit, and image data processing.
- Server GIS: Publishing map services and customizing JavaScript map website with SuperGIS Server, the applications of Mobile SDK, and so on.
- Mobile GIS: Collecting spatial data with smart devices, recording GPS tracklog, viewing waypoints with Augmented Reality in SuperSurv (for iOS), and more.
For more information, visit the Supergeo Developer Network website or contact
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