Quantum Reversal adds new GNSS anti-jam units to product offerings
Quantum Reversal has added several new models to its flagship anti-jamming line. The company introduced in February the QR100 L1/L2 GPS anti-jamming unit and the QR101 L1/L2 GPS anti-jamming antenna.
The current solution consists now of five products designed for the commercial market to solve the issue of unintentional RF interference or jamming:
- QR100 – GPS dual frequency L1/L2 anti-jamming unit
- QR200 – GPS dual frequency L1/L2 anti-jamming antenna
- QR101 – GNSS multi frequency bands anti-jamming unit
- QR201 – GNSS multi frequency bands anti-jamming antenna
- QR202 – GNSS multi frequency band anti-jamming antenna with additional L-band reception
(1520-1560 MHz)
All models provide robust GPS or GNSS navigation solution, blocking intentional jamming and unintentional RF interference for services such as timing or 3D positioning.
All the products are lightweight (230 grams for QR1xx series and 500 grams for QR2xx series) with low power consumption (1-1.5 Watt typically, depending on the configuration), and can be mounted on any platform (cars, poles, drones, etc.).
Quantum Reversal operates in the information and wireless technology sector, developing innovative wireless and antenna technologies for various commercial markets. The QR team has experience designing products for applications in space, underwater, robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the commercial and user end. Each application requires a specific solution to deal with specific environmental (pressure, temperature, vibration, etc.) and operational conditions.
The company sells stand alone products as well as OEM products that can be integrated within the customer products.
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