Munich Navigation Satellite Summit

September 14, 2012  - By
Image: GPS World

The Munich Navigation Satellite Summit will be held June 18–20, 2013, in the Residenz München, Munich, Germany. It has been established as a top European and International conference with global impact, featuring invited high-ranking worldwide speakers from industry, science and governments dealing with the directions of satellite navigation now and in the future.

The Summit starts on June 18 with the Exhibition Opening and Champagne Reception at 16.30 hrs. The technical programme of the conference starts with the Opening Plenary Panel discussing the topic “GNSS – New Challenges” at 17.15 hrs. Afterwards the Bavarian State Reception in the famous ”Residenz München” is giving opportunities for networking.

The technical program of the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit includes plenary discussions among invited speakers and presents a concise update on the main activities in worldwide satellite navigation systems, in particular on

  • Implementation of the European satellite navigation system Galileo
  • Modernization of the US Global Positioning System (GPS IIF, GPS III)
  • Status and modernization of the Russian Global Satellite Navigation System
  • Developments of new global and regional systems like the Chinese COMPASS, the Japanese QZSS and the Indian IRNSS
  • Space Based Augmentation systems (SBAS)
  • Legal issues of privacy devises and GNSS re-transmitters
  • Getting the centimeter on global scale (Precise Point Positioning)
  • Design of future navigation systems: Will autonomous sensors come to the fore
  • GNSS monitoring of the system earth and natural disasters
  • Integrated applications of GNSS and Earth Observation

The Munich Satellite Navigation Summit will further highlight the creation of new applications and services in

  • satellite navigation, in combination with
  • telecommunication and
  • information technology, in particular geo-information technology

Various sessions will feature discussions among invited panellists talking about perspectives and critical issues in various rapidly growing application scenes of satellite navigation, in particular with Galileo. Brief presentations and statements of the panellists are initiating each session. An interactive question and answer period with the auditorium is closing the topic.


This is posted in Events, GNSS