Mobile Means Business
Sponsored by: Hemisphere GNSS
Broadcast Date: Thursday, July 18, 2013
Moderator: Alan Cameron, Editor & Publisher, GPS World
Speakers: Cary Kiest, director of engineering, Trimble Mobile Computing Solutions; David Krebs, vice president, VDC Research & author of a market research study on mobile computing adoption and use by large enterprise and small-to-medium businesses.
Summary: Organizations across business and public sectors, and including the military, now expect a high degree and broad range of functionality in the palms of workers’ hands, wherever those workers may go, under any kind of hazardous, chaotic, demanding environments. Requirements for location accuracy rise consistently across the board. In the future — in other words, now — developers will be asked to write mobile software applications first, and desktop applications second. Find out what this means for you, whether you are involved in GPS/GNSS product design, integration, marketing, sales, disribution, workforce management, or field use.
Webinar Transcript: Mobile Means Business
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