ION GNSS+ Features Natural Navigation, Commercial Track

September 3, 2014  - By
Image: GPS World

ION GNSS+, sponsored by The Institute of Navigation, is considered the world’s largest technical meeting and showcase of GNSS technology, products and services. This year’s conference takes place September 8-12 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.

ION GNSS+ will bring together international leaders in GNSS and related positioning, navigation and timing fields to present new research, introduce new technologies, discuss current policy, demonstrate products and exchange ideas.

Pre-conference events held Monday and Tuesday, September 8-9, include tutorials and the CGSIC meeting. The conference itself kicks off Tuesday with the plenary session, held 6:30-8:30 p.m.

This year, the plenary speaker is Tristan Gooley, navigator and explorer, who will discuss “The Wonderful World of Natural Navigation.” Gooley has led expeditions in five continents, climbed mountains in Europe, Africa and Asia, sailed small boats across oceans and piloted small aircrafts to Africa and the Arctic. He has walked with and studies the methods of the Tuareg, Bedouin and Dayak in some of the remotest regions on Earth. Gooley will describe how his love of the subject grew over time and explains how he learned to find his way using the sun, moon, stars, weather, plants and animals. He has used natural navigation in the Sahara desert, in jungles, on ice, on oceans and in the English countryside. He will explain how these ancient techniques can be used by anyone willing to try something new and how natural navigation can enrich all journeys, large or small.

Gooley’s talk will be followed by Panel Discussion Lightning Talks moderated by GPS World Publisher Alan Cameron. Presenters include Dr. John Betz, The MITRE Corporation; Didier Faivre, European Space Agency, France; Dr. Frank van Diggelen, Broadcom; Glen Gibbons, Inside GNSS; Oscar Pozzobon, QASCOM S.R.L., Italy; Dr. Frank van Graas, Ohio University; Dr. Todd Humphreys, The University of Texas at Austin; Dr. Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, The Ohio State University; and Dr. Didier Flament, European Space Agency, France.

Technical sessions will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This year, a new commercial track has been added.

The program is available for download.

ION has created a short video about “Why You Should Attend ION GNSS+”.

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  1. nenavath ravikumar says:

    required paper for research is:The Triple-frequency Multi-system RTK Engine for Challenging Environments