Galileo Masters 2020 open for submissions
The 2020 Galileo Masters are open for submissions. The competition is designed to award applications, services and new ideas that use Galileo and EGNOS, in synergy with other space programs, to respond to pressing needs facing business and society.
The 2020 competition has three European GNSS Agency (GSA) challenges, themed “Space for Future Generations.”
The first challenge, the “Space for our Planet Challenge,” aims to tackle climate change and environmental degradation. Services based on data from Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus Earth observation can be used to mitigate this threat by supporting more environmentally-conscious life choices, resulting in a healthier planet, GSA said.
The second challenge, the “Space for Being Safe and Healthy Challenge,” seeks out solutions that use downstream space data provided by Galileo, EGNOS and/or Copernicus as key enablers of innovative applications to help stem the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.
The third challenge, the “Space for Fun Challenge,” targets solutions using data from Galileo and EGNOS in the gaming, sports, leisure and tourism markets, where GNSS enables the monitoring of user performance and helps make augmented reality games even more immersive.
For all three challenges, there is a cash price of 10,000€, with another 10,000€ awarded to the overall Galileo Masters 2020 winner.
Registration is free, and entries must be submitted by June 30.
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