Free Landsat Viewer brings Earth into focus
A free web tool has been launched for browsing satellite imagery from Landsat 8 — the Landsat Viewer. The tool was created by the start-up company Eos Data Analytics.
EOS Data Analytics is an automatic cloud-based GIS analysis service. It uses a combination of satellite imagery, geospatial data, customer workflow information and consumer behavior principles to create deep, comprehensive GIS analysis.
The Landsat Viewer is based on a huge open data archive, Landsat on AWS. It can generate common indices on-the-fly, and users are able to download the selected bands.
Here are a few sample images using the new viewer:
The North Sea water surface looks like a deep universe with a myriad of stars (pan sharpen RGB):
Every time a user chooses the scene, zooms in/out or changes the bands, the image in the browser is generated on the fly from the raw data stored in the cloud. In the same way, it is delivered to the browsers on tablets and smartphones.
Learn more on the company’s blog.
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