European Navigation Conference Opens Call for Papers

October 25, 2012  - By
Image: GPS World

The 2013 European Navigation Conference (ENC 2013) will be held April 23-25 in Vienna, Austria. This will be the 17th conference in the GNSS series held under the auspices of the European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN) and is hosted by the Austrian Institute of Navigation (OVN).

ENC 2013 will focus on the present status as well as on future developments in navigation systems, with special emphasis on Galileo. The conference will be a showcase for state of the art and, more important, for innovations in the field of terrestrial and satellite navigation. The implementation of new technologies in navigation will be illustrated by the industry exhibition, running in parallel to the conference. The theme is “Navigation — Expanding our Horizons.”

The scientific program will be a combination of plenary lectures, parallel sessions, and poster presentations. Abstracts (paper or poster) with a maximum length of 1,000 words must be electronically submitted for peer-review. Submission deadline for abstracts is December 17.

This is posted in Events, GNSS