ESNC 2015 Now Accepting Submissions

April 1, 2015  - By
International Kickoff for the 2015 ESNC is scheduled for April 21 in London.

Winners in the 30 categories will be announced in October.

The 2015 European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC), an international innovation competition that recognizes the best ideas in satellite navigation, will run from April 1 to June 30. Winners will be announced in October.

There are more than 20 regions participating, and the ESNC will award prizes worth a total of €1 million in 30 categories.

“Satellite navigation is an essential element of modern mobility and a key technology in particular, in the age of a data-driven economy. This is exactly where the European Satellite Navigation Competition comes in. It provides a public platform to the creative community in order to help promising ideas turn into solutions that are commercially mature and generate added value for society,” said Alexander Dobrindt, Germany’s Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).

A jury of international research and industry experts will select the year’s overall champion among the winners of the categories, which comes with an additional €20,000 and access to a six-month incubation program in the champion’s preferred region.


International kick-off for the 2015 ESNC is scheduled for April 21 in London.

“As the Galileo satellite constellation continues to expand, efforts to promote corresponding applications will become increasingly important. This is where the ESNC is already playing a key role,” said Matthias Petschke, the European Commission’s director of satellite navigation programs. “As such, the Commission is definitely looking forward to seeing the creative and innovative GNSS-based applications submitted this year.”

This year’s special topic prizes are being sponsored by the European GNSS Agency (GSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Entrants may submit prototypes to the GNSS Living Lab Challenge, while the University Challenge specifically addresses students and research assistants.

“Those who enter the ESNC benefit in particular from our global network, which provides them with tailored support in developing their business concepts and bringing them to market,” said Thorsten Rudolph, managing director of Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen.

All of the information on this year’s prizes, partners, and terms of participation is available at the ESNC website.