Editorial Advisory Board Q&A: Do we need a new PNT office?

March 30, 2022  - By
Image: GPS World
Image: GPS World

Given that space is increasingly a congested and contested arena, should the U.S. government establish a new office to manage both space-based and terrestrial-based PNT systems?

Photo: Orolia

John Fischer

“The U.S. government already has the National Executive Committee for Space-Based PNT (see gps.gov), which coordinates policy among all the branches of government. There is also a PNT Advisory Board, which includes some international members to inform the committee, and a National Coordination Office to execute the policies. This is in addition to the new U.S. military’s Space Command under which GPS operates. So, space-based issues are being addressed, but maybe more could be done to coordinate terrestrial-based PNT systems with space-based ones.”
— John Fischer

Ellen Hall

Ellen Hall

“As new technology advances, government, along with its policies and laws, struggles to keep pace. This was certainly true of the internet and cybercrime. This is also true of terrestrial-based PNT, where new technology emerges in areas not currently covered. Policy gaps and overlapping technologies need to be addressed and coordinated. It certainly seems that this would be one of those areas that could benefit from oversight. Space-based PNT is currently addressed by the National Executive Committee for Space-Based PNT, among others.”
— Ellen Hall

Bernard Gruber

Bernard Gruber

“The threat to U.S. space-borne assets and the signals they generate is very real. Both commercial and military users of GPS continue to seek independent alternatives to current PNT systems that are diverse and robust. The National Coordination Office supports the National Executive Committee (NEC) for Space-Based PNT. I believe the role of the NEC should be broadened to include terrestrial and alternative PNT as a first step to charter/secure a new or expanded program office.”
— Bernard Gruber

Editorial Advisory Board

Tony Agresta, Nearmap 

Miguel Amor, Hexagon Positioning Intelligence

Thibault Bonnevie, SBG Systems

Alison Brown, NAVSYS Corporation 

Ismael Colomina, GeoNumerics

Clem Driscoll, C.J. Driscoll & Associates

John Fischer, Orolia

Bernard Gruber, Northrop Grumman

Ellen Hall, Spirent Federal Systems

Jules McNeff, Overlook Systems Technologies

Terry Moore, University of Nottingham

Mitch Narins, Consultant

Bradford W. Parkinson, Stanford Center for Position, Navigation and Time

Stuart Riley, Trimble

Jean-Marie Sleewaegen, Septentrio

Michael Swiek, GPS Alliance

Julian Thomas, Racelogic Ltd.

Greg Turetzky, Consultant