EC, GSA Plan Workshop on GNSS Receiver Technology
On November 18, a Consultation Event will take place in Brussels on the subject of receiver technology. The event is being held to inform the stakeholders of the European GNSS receiver community about the format and timeline of funding opportunities for the period 2015-2020, and to gather input for the definition of R&D actions in the field of receiver technology.
The event is being organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry, in collaboration with European GNSS Agency (GSA).
The workshop will consist of one panel session, during which stakeholders from industry, SMEs, academia, and technology institutes will be asked to debate and recommend important lines of research in receiver technology.
Registration is now open on the Europa website. Interested participants are invited to fill in the registration form and to indicate which application area they are interested in and the fields of research that should be supported.
The workshop will be held at the Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors building, rue Belliard 99-101, room JDE 53, Brussels.
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