Connor-Winfield Offers GPS-Disciplined Clock

November 1, 2013  - By

The FTS500 Xenith TBR

The FTS500 Xenith TBR (Time Base Reference) by Connor-Winfield is designed for DVB/DAB, wireless communications, time-stamping, or any other timing vital application.

The Xenith TBR module is a GPS-driven, mixed-signal phase lock loop, providing a 1PPS CMOS output and generating a 10-MHz SINE output from an intrinsically low jitter voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO). The 10-MHz output is disciplined from an on-board GPS receiver, which drives the long-term frequency stability. Its on-board CW25 timing GPS receiver along with a dual-oven system provides the highest quality timing and synchronization signals combined with superb hold-over characteristics. The unit is housed in a 106 x 125 x 56 millimeter strong aluminum enclosure.

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