Birmingham creates mapping portal using Bluesky Tree data

June 7, 2023  - By
Image: Bluesky International

Image: Bluesky International

Birmingham City Council has launched a mapping portal to address the issue of tree equity across the city.

With UK national tree map data, created by aerial mapping company Bluesky International, the interactive tool allows users to identify which parts of the city have lower than average tree canopy cover and investigate possible relationships between canopy cover and other socio-economic and environmental factors. The online platform also enables users to model different scenarios and targets to identify planting opportunities and locations to increase the number of trees.

The national tree map was created using innovative algorithms and image processing techniques, from the most up-to-date aerial photography and terrain data for the whole of Great Britain and Ireland. It provides a detailed reference as to the location, canopy cover and height of trees 3 m and taller that can be applied alongside other data to establish ownership, proximity to other features or assets, and relationships between demographic, economic or social data.

National tree map data is widely used by a number of different market sectors such as local authorities, energy companies, property developers and academic and research organizations, investigating the role of trees and green spaces and their impact on health, environment and infrastructure.

About the Author: Maddie Saines

Maddie was a managing editor at GPS World.