AUVSI Xponential co-located with civilian UAV workshop

April 10, 2017  - By


A co-located event focused on unmanned aircraft will take place during AUVSI Xponential 2017, which will be held May 8-11 in Dallas.

AUVSI, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, is joining with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) to present the AIAA/AUVSI Third Workshop on Civilian Applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

The workshop is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. CDT on May 8. It will bring the AUVSI and AIAA professional communities together to focus on the current civilian applications of UAS, to look at lessons learned during the Public Decade (2008-2017), and to look forward to defining the Civil Decade (2017-2026).

Key questions that will be addressed include:

  • What is the current state of civilian applications of UAS?
  • What are lessons learned from the Public Decade to be applied in the Civil Decade?
  • What are the critical technologies and regulatory environment that must be in place in 5 years, 10 years?
  • What are the roles of stakeholders in the industry, agency and academic communities to ensure U.S. leadership in the Civil Decade and beyond?

Stakeholder feedback will be collected during the half-day event to help UAS manufacturers, operators, policy makers and regulators begin to shape the Civil Decade.

The workshop is one of several events co-located with AUVSI XPONENTIAL. “XPONENTIAL’s co-located events shine a light on the technology developments, policy issues and business opportunities that will drive revenue in the unmanned systems industry, and help accelerate its evolution,” said Brian Wynne, president and CEO of AUVSI. “This year’s agenda features forward-looking leaders who can share critical insights and best practices for maintaining a competitive edge in our rapidly-changing industry.”

More than 7,000 industry leaders and professionals from 55 countries are expected to attend XPONENTIAL 2017. The exhibit hall will showcase more than 650 cutting-edge companies, representing more than 20 industries.